Chat GPT: Start Now Stop Never 

By: Amrita Guha 

Chat GPT. What is it? How can we use it honestly as students? Why won’t people stop talking about it? 

Chat GPT is a chatbot created by Open AI that has clarified the power of Artificial Intelligence for millions of internet users. As a chatbot, Chat GPT can answer questions and carry out conversations, but cannot have any sort of opinion or feeling. Recently, it has been causing a lot of drama within the academic world, as this type of intelligence can be used to write essays and cheat on tests without being caught (yet). However, Chat GPT is an amazing resource for studying and locating resources for students. 

The key to using Chat GPT is to use it as a tool to supplement how you are navigating your information online. Do not use Chat GPT as your sole provider of data as it can be factually inaccurate. And Open AI is very very transparent with this, as Chat GPT has its disclaimers displayed on its opening page. 

1. May occasionally generate incorrect information. 

2. May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content 

3. Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021

From my experience, the only other disclaimer would be that sometimes when asking theoretical questions, you may need to rephrase your question for the Chatbot to understand. 

For me, Chat GPT has been a blessing in breaking down topics, whether it be confusion in biology, chemistry, or even history. The way Chat GPT provides you answers, especially on complex topics is very digestible, in a way that Google fails to be. The power of Chat GPT is that it remembers what you say earlier in the conversation, so if an answer is confusing, you can ask it to rephrase or pick a specific idea to focus in on and ask again. It also explains things more conversationally than purely factually, making the information easier to read and understand. However, Chat GPT is not always accurate, so how do we use this tool well? 

What I like to do when I’ve found a problem area in any concept I have a hard time understanding, I will ask for a link to another reputable source that explains the questions I have been asking about. I always cross reference. 

For students, I think the most powerful tool in Chat GPT is its locating skills. I will give you an example. In my chemistry class, there was an assignment in which we had to pick an underrepresented scientist, read one of their papers, and present on them. But on Google, I couldn’t find any papers without a paywall or academic codes. After literal hours of searching, I turned to Chat GPT. You simply ask Chat GPT, “Accessible scientific papers written by _____. Please give me links.” Done. Then, suppose you can’t find where in the paper it talks about something relevant to you. “ Where in the paper does the author talk about her findings in _____. Please provide an excerpt.” Done. The level of tailoring to its answers is an extreme upgrade compared to search engines like google. 

Another good way to use Chat GPT is for studying. Suppose I have a chemistry test and am given a study guide. I can ask Chat GPT to give me a schedule, related quizlets, or even give it the terms and have it make flashcards for me to study off of. Or suppose you have a ginormous module you need to get through quickly. You can ask Chat GPT to create summaries and notes to get through the information faster. 

For me, using Chat GPT as a tool to help me navigate the internet and break down concepts has been so efficient. Chat GPT can help with your homework, edit your writing, check for plagiarism, and so much more. Use it honestly. Don’t miss out on it.

1 Comment

  1. Pravrajika Anantaprana March 25, 2023 at 5:39 pm

    This is excellent information for students and non-students.

    Also, it’s very well written.

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