Yearender: Lessons Learned

We hope that, every year, we acquire knowledge, cull experience and gather emotions.  Witherly Heights asks: What have you really learned about yourself this year?

Artwork by Khushi Shah

I learned that it is not always as bad as it seems or as good as it seems. Things just are, it is what it is because it is, it’s not necessary bad or good. I’ve also rediscovered the power of positive thinking and the ability to find the good in every situation.

–Joey Morrison

I learned that I can be very shy.

–Khushi Shah

The most important thing I learned this year is definitely the equation dU=TdS-PdV+μidNi. Just kidding! The most significant thing I learned was that we can’t take anything for granted, so we need to make the most of our time, live our lives to the fullest, and leave the world better than how we found it.

–Anika Varma

Class of 2017

My successes are mine alone.

–Jessica Anthony

To be thankful everyday.

–Jennifer Schriber

One important thing that I learned this year is that not everything in your life is under your control. Sometimes, you are not the problem, so don’t blame yourself for things that are not your fault. Also, I learned to value my friends because you never realize how important friendships truly are until they are gone. (I’m fine, don’t worry.)


I get my adrenaline highs from working as a theater technician.

–Lauren Chang

I feel like an important personal lesson was that not everything is or has to be perfect.

–Isa Eugenio

That graphing hyperbolas is actually the worst thing ever. I don’t care how fun you think it is, it’s not. Especially when you have a million other things to do and you are just sitting there for like 20 minutes trying to make it perfect. And don’t even get me started on hyperbolas that aren’t centered around the origin. I’ve never been more angry about anything ever.

–Kimia Faroughi

Anything can change in the blink of an eye.

–Ananya Hindocha

This year, I learned time and time again that hard work pays off. While this is something people realize every year in many parts of their lives, I learned it at school and in my extracurricular hobbies.

–Sonia Pramanick

I learned how important it is to cherish and be grateful for everything that you have, especially family. You never know when you might lose them. I think it’s always good to have happy thoughts and interactions with people so you don’t have regrets about the way you behaved or the words you said once they’re gone.

–Vanshika Sharma

I learned that I am decent at art.

–Ram Charan

I learned this year that when people say that engineering is hard they really mean it. I think that paying the university for housing was really a waste of money this past quarter because I almost spent more time finishing programs in the computer labs than I did in bed. A typical day would be to up for an 8AM class, eat, attend class, eat, go to another class, then go to the computer lab and sit in front of a screen for 8 or 9 hours straight, and then go back to my dorm in the morning. I think I nearly saw the sunrise a couple times before going to sleep. Watching friends suffer with me in the lab made made my day a little bit better though. I kind of suspected that engineering would be hard but I never knew it would be hard to the point that I would start having dreams about how to complete my programming assignments.

–Young Wang

Class of 2017