Witherly Heights Takes a Walk: Those Flaming Sneakers

In Witherly Heights Takes a Walk, our journal goes the extra mile.  Our staff, Kimia Faroughi and Akash Sethi, venture into the world beyond 750 Witherly to cull opinions, reactions, snorts and raised eyebrows from people on the streets about our zinging zeigeist.

In the video below, we asked Ohlone College students what they thought about Nike partnering with former San Francisco 49er quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, for its 2018 “Just Do It” campaign. Kaepernick achieved fame and notoriety for kneeling during the National Anthem as a sign of protest against police brutality and racism. When Nike released the ad he starred in, many people found it disrespectful and started to burn their Nike gear in their own form of protest.
