What Scares Alsion?

This Halloween, Witherly Heights wanted to dig a little deeper into the student body and figure out—what are Alsion students scared of? (Other than the biome report, physical exertion, and getting an A-.) Answers ranged from serious to humorous, embracing the spirit of Halloween and providing insight into the inner workings of the minds of Alsion’s students. 

What is your biggest fear (ranked by commonality)? Why? On a scale of 1-10, how scared are you of this fear? 

  1. Wasps- They seem to hate me but love stinging me. Also, I’ve had one too many experiences where I’ve had to navigate areas surrounded by tons of wasps and been stung badly. They are the scum of the Earth and serve no purpose but to cause misery, pain, and terror. (7) 

Insects and BugsDisgusting (10) 

Spiders (8) 

Spiders (9) 

Spider in my water bottle- so gross. (10) 

  1. Dying- You don’t exist anymore if you die. (10) 

Someone I love dying- Because this would be something that I can live knowing that this could have been my fault that they are dead. (10) 

Losing my rabbit/my rabbit forgetting me/her going missing/her dying- She’s my bunny. (10) 

Killing a loved one (10) 

  1. Heights- Many, many negative experiences, and I can justify it by saying it’s a “logical and natural” response. Way too afraid of heights, basically anything more than a 6 feet jump (ominous). (10) 

Heights (7) 

Heights (4) 

Heights and Clowns (8) 

  1. I have a small fear of the ocean. It’s called thalassophobia- I’m just pretty scared of the deep ocean and the things that lurk in the depths. Whenever I go on boats I fear that they will sink for some reason. The fear doesn’t prevent me from going swimming in the ocean but I definitely get nervous. (7) 

Getting stuck in the ocean- trauma from swim school. Just a healthy mix of thalassophobia and aquaphobia. (10) 

Thalassophobia (8) 

  1. Failure- I am deathly afraid. (10) 

Academic failure (9) 

  1. Natural disasters (8) 

Fires- It’s partially because of the fact that we live in California and there are wildfires here every single August. The pictures, videos, and the evacuation warnings pretty much started it, though. (8) 

  1. Getting murdered in my bed while I’m sleeping- I watched the Nightstalker documentary on Netflix and could not sleep for a month. I kept thinking someone would break my window and strangle me in my sleep. Richard Ramirez has a very terrifying face and Netflix put scary pictures of him in the documentary and now his face haunts me. (10) 

The Dark- I never know what is there and after years of camping as a light sleeper, I always hear the animals or people walking by. It always scares me no matter what it could be. (8) 

  1. Snakes- Because they’re scary and creepy and gross and slick and slithery and scary. (10)
  1. People/Judgment (10) 

Indian aunties- I’m scared that one day I’ll be asked why I’m so fat and why I didn’t get into Berkeley like my sibling. (10) 

  1. Getting email- that despair as you realize some loser has sent you an email when you finish reloading your inbox. (10) 
  2. Seeing NCT getting canceled (10)