The Witherly Heights Yearender: The Most Influential Person of 2019

Greta Thunberg.
-Avani Sethi, Ayush Hindocha, Isa Eugenio, Ayesha Ashraf
Since I focus a lot on sports, I think the most influential person of 2019 was Stephen Curry because even though his teammates were getting injured he nearly carried GSW to another championship.
-Luca Barbacioru
Donald Trump.
-Siddarth Chavan
Rami Malek.
-Parsa Basseri
Trump, just not for the better.
-Jayden Cammarata
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
-Raghu Narayan
Millie Bobby Brown.
-Khushi Shah
Bernie Sanders. His policy for medicare for all is now seemingly adopted by many potential democratic nominees. His ideas for tuition-free college are also similar in that his policies seem to be the trend toward a more progressive Democratic Party. It is exciting to consider adopting policies of socialism, which the United States has done in the past. Depression-era policies such as the Work Progress Administration, created in 1935 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is part of a greater idea of government-sanctioned social welfare programs. Socialist policy during the Great Depression can be further exemplified in acts such as the Social Security Act of 1935. Bernie’s policies are also similarly very different from the previous healthcare policy implemented in the United States. This is why, his policy, which has gained a large following in the Democratic Party, is the most influential person of 2019.
-Ram Charan
Greta Thunberg has been a highly influential person in the past few months. Yes, she has successfully brought awareness about climate change internationally, but the fact that she is only 16 years old just proves that no one is too young or too small to stand up for what they believe in and actually make an impact.
-Diana Barbacioru
Greta Thunberg because her activism is super inspiring and she is another example of the power that youth can have on this world. Also, in the face of a bunch of hatred and attacks people online threw at her, she was never undeterred from her goals.
-Kimia Faroughi