The Witherly Heights Yearender: Resolutions for 2019

What are we resolved to do in 2019? Here are the promises we all have to help each other keep.
I want to become more vegetarian. The impact that eating meat has on our climate is detrimental and is something that I can control so I’m working on that. Ideally, I’d be eating no meat at all next year but realistically my goal is just to cut it down.
–Kimia Faroughi
I learned that I am decent at art.
–Ram Charan
Enjoy every little second of life. Create moments of joy for yourself, you are completely in charge of yourself and what you want your life to be, take advantage of that.
–Ananya Hindocha
Be better informed on current events.
–Isa Eugenio
Spend less money and make more money.
–Rowan Tuttle
I am training to run a 50k early next year, so my resolutions revolve around developing my fitness, focusing on nutrition and wellness in general. I also resolve to be more mindful of how I spend my free time by limiting my “screen time” and reading actual books.
–Joey Morrison
Managing my time wisely and not procrastinating.
–Vanshika Sharma
I don’t really do new year resolutions because I feel like I wouldn’t really stick to anything defined in a year-long resolution. If I realize I want to do something or change something about myself, I find it best to start right now, not wait for the new year. However, some things I am working on and want to continue working on in the new year: improve my concentration, become more outgoing, take some chances, meet new people, and keep up with friends.
–Anika Varma
Class of 2017
To not fail engineering would be great. I would also like to get more sleep and ride more bikes.
–Young Wang
Class of 2017