The Perfect Endgame

By Tejas Raghuram

A spoiler-free review of Avengers: Endgame


Avengers: Endgame is the newest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and also the culmination of 11 years and 22 movies worth of buildup. Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and so many more, the movie centers around how the Avengers go about their lives after what happened in Infinity War, when half of the universe was snapped out of existence.  

Before I actually talk about the film, I need to set some baselines first. The first MCU movie I ever watched was Thor: The Dark World back in early 2014. I have watched every entry that has come out since in theaters on opening weekend, and then multiple times through television and streaming services. I have also seen all of the older entries many times, sometimes even going to the theater whenever they were showing reruns of older films such as The Avengers. In short, I love the MCU.

This is important because it is very hard for me to objectively review this movie outside of the greater MCU. These characters are my childhood and watching them grow as characters as I grew up has been truly special. If you are completely uninterested in the MCU (but for some reason clicked on this article) or just have never seen an MCU movie before, you should probably skip this movie, as you wouldn’t get the same level of emotional payoff that this movie gives to hardcore Marvelites.

But if you are a fan of the MCU, whether casual or die-hard, you have to see this movie. It is the perfect ending to the Infinity Saga, wrapping up the current storylines of the MCU with a bow and subtly opening up new possibilities for future storylines.

Heroic Hollywood

One thing that I was worried about going into this movie was its gargantuan 181-minute runtime. I was worried that a large portion of that screen time would be wasted or that the movie would feel like it dragged. However, this is not the case. One common complaint I have heard about the movie is that the first act feels slow. But I think that is warranted, given the universe-shaking cliffhanger that Infinity War ended on. The movie takes time to address the snap and the effects it has had on the lives of people around the planet. This is only helped by the fantastic performances from the entire cast. While they have always been great, I feel that this movie is the best they have ever been.

My favorites among the cast include Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and, surprisingly, Mark Ruffalo. Downey Jr. and Evans are excellent as they have always been. Both of their characters have some of the most amazing moments in the entire movie, with endings that seem almost poetic. As for Hemsworth, the Russo brothers again manage to take his character in an entirely new and fresh direction, with Thor truly being the main source of comedy in the film. Similarly, Johansson and Ruffalo were surprises to me, as their characters were both somewhat benched in Infinity War. However, they were both used so well here that it more than makes up for their diminished role in IW.

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Another reason I love Endgame is the way it pays homage to all the films that have come before it. There are so many references to older MCU entries, even some of the less appreciated films, scattered throughout the movie. While some might call this unadulterated fan-service, I say that the MCU has earned it at this point. The movie does not halt the plot just so it can pat itself on the back, but instead it writes these references into the story so that they feel natural. While on the subject of the writing of this movie, I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the true heroes of the movie, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. The fact that they were able to come up with such a clever story with a satisfying ending is absolutely incredible, so hats off to them.

For those looking for spectacle, Avengers: Endgame has the single best action set piece in the history of superhero movies. The last hour of the film is absolutely fantastic, and it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. But what makes the final fight in this movie so amazing is not the quality of the action choreography or the special effects, but just the fact that it is the MCU truly operating in top gear, with every hero fully utilizing his or her powers. Lastly, the emotional payoff at the end of the battle was amazing, and it actually made me cry multiple times.

Overall, Endgame is everything I could have asked for and more. It might not be the best movie of all time, but it is easily my favorite. Watching this in a crowded theater was the best experience I have ever had watching a movie, as the number of cheers throughout the entire movie was truly what made the film so special to me. While I do have some minor complaints, such as the reuse of the score from Infinity War, they are hardly noticeable when watching the movie, and do not make the film unwatchable. While Infinity War was Thanos’s movie, Endgame truly is the Avengers’ movie, and it is truly the perfect ending to their story.

P.S. There are no bathroom breaks in this movie, so drink at your own risk.
