The Click: Halloween Throwback

This Halloween is unlike any other in recent memory. Knocking on doors to gather candy from costumed faces now seems like a forlorn concept. It may be easier to reflect on simpler times when Halloween was about one thing: the everlasting, insatiable quest for candies to fill up your plastic jack-o-lanterns. As they rattled around in bins of various sizes–Kit-Kats, Butterfingers, Skittles–you would pace up and down neighborhoods braving new frontiers, stepping past cadavers and weaving through large spider webs. Into the orange light you went, without a fear in the world. The Witherly Heights staff has generously offered to provide memories of their earlier halloweens. Although it may not be as exciting this year, take a look over the past experiences of our editorial board and reminisce at the thoughts of a happier yet at the same time more spooky, October 31st. 

Mr. John - lobster
Nitya's choice of occupation might not go down so well with her mom
our rescue workers....fireman Siddharth & policeman Ayush
Diana and Luca
Akash and Avani
Abel and Alana
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1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Schriber October 30, 2020 at 2:31 am

    I love all these photos. I think I can guess each photo of the person. Thank you for putting this together. It made the Halloween spirit come alive.

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