Symbiosis: Out of Bounds

Relationships. All of us have them yet few of us prioritize them. Schools fail to adequately address how to foster healthy relationships and parents often skirt away from the topic to avoid awkwardness. This, however, does not mean that learning how to create these healthy relationships and maintaining them is not a necessary life skill for all. Whether discussing familiar, friendly, or intimate relationships, Team Stronger Than You Think’s (STYT) annual youth summit, Symbiosis, addresses it all along with free food, merch, and loads of fun!

By: Armaan Sharma and Anya Patri

History of Symbiosis (Credit to YSP)

In planning for 2018’s Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Symbiosis was born. Symbiosis is a free summit created by and for youth that aims to uplift queer and trans youth, provide education about healthy relationships, and empower youth activists in their home communities. At Symbiosis, junior high and high school-aged folks will learn from breakout session workshops, hear from keynote speakers, create art, enjoy performances, and build community. 2023 marks the 6th annual Symbiosis co-hosted by Team STYT and SAVE.

What Can Youth Expect?

Youth can expect to learn about a variety of topics that relate and pertain to teen dating violence, with a focus this year on consent and boundaries. Through a self-defense workshop with world champion boxer, Eliza Olson, youth can learn how to defend themselves at times where physical boundaries are violated. Additionally, through workshops such as “Consent Kitchen” and “Do Grown-Ups Always Know Best?,” Team STYT introduces essential information regarding what boundaries look like, what violations look like, and the harms of the lack of consent in relationships. Additionally, the team acknowledges that such information can sometimes be overwhelming or new, so we do our best to ensure that the event features arts and interactive activities!

Don’t Wait!

This year, our event is on April 29th from 9:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. at Ohlone College (Fremont Campus). Since the event spans multiple hours, we provide free food and drinks and a plethora of resources for youth to immerse themselves in. It will be loads of fun and provide multiple opportunities to connect with other youth and partnering organizations, such as March for Our Lives and Narika. So register now by clicking here—those who register before April 10th can enter the Early Bird Raffle!