Rika’s Portfolio

In Alsion’s small community many artistic talents can be found. Rika is one of these extremely talented artists! Here’s a look into her amazing art! 

By: Gia and Joy

Rika Skrobotova

One of Alsion’s various talented artists is Rika Skrobotova. She works in both traditional and digital mediums to bring her ideas to life. Rika’s art takes inspiration from various places. Most recently, she’s taken an interest in bold pieces with bright colors and messy lines, as well as collages and multimedia art. From these types of drawings, she wants to capture the way it expresses the artist’s ideas. She says the artist that inspired her the most is Stephen McCranie, a writer and illustrator of the ongoing graphic novel Space Boy. To her “each character feels real and genuine, and his depictions of emotions do as well,” making him one of her favorite artists. Rika has had a similar goal of making a story and sharing it online – so most of her sketches are filled with characters and settings from that story. She also enjoys drawing characters from games and shows, playing around with lighting and line art; anything that’s fun to draw. She loves showing how she perceives things through pieces she spends hours on. Often, she’ll spend that time on pieces depicting things she likes. She also likes to put details that are fairly subtle but are nice to notice, usually just small things that make the piece feel more realistic. For example, a background object from a game that appears in a finished piece, or a little extra work on a background to make her works feel genuine.

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