How Society’s Views on Popular Applications Came to Be

Today’s teenagers have something that no past generation had—the mobile phone. The opportunities and abilities it has opened up are infinite. But, over time it has become clear that some applications have risen above others. A quick search will already reveal that our preferences have become all too clear as a population. And, it seems that Alsion students don’t differ too much from the pack. So, what are these entrenched preferences and how have they creeped into our everyday lives? Here are three main findings.

By: Anushree Samsi

Google Maps vs Apple Maps Debate: 

It’s 2023—basically no one carries a paper map anymore. If we want to find the quickest route to a place we don’t know, we turn to our maps app without blinking an eye. Over this period, two apps came in direct competition: Google Maps and Apple Maps. And at this point, Google has won over the majority of the population with 2 billion monthly users to Apple’s 900 million. But, why?

There could be a few reasons for this; firstly, Apple Maps has been notoriously unreliable since its founding. Even iPhone users ignore Apple Maps as they see Google as a more reliable option when calculating commutes and travel plans. Secondly, Google Maps is accessible through any phone, while Apple Maps can only be used on an Apple device. Thirdly, I personally see that the “popularity effect” has driven Google Maps to be more thoroughly explored. If I asked the average person to show me the features they could utilize on both apps, they would probably know more on Google Maps. While updates on Apple Maps have improved its quality and reliability, statistically we are definitely still Google Maps people and I think it would take quite a bit to change that. 

Social Applications:

Social apps are by far the most popular usage of phone’s these days. Applications like Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, video games and an even more expansive definition would encompass things like Facetime and Messages as a means of communication with friends. 

Within this large range, there are specific platforms that go head to head with TikTok and Instagram being one such example. Many people consider Instagram reels to just be TikTok but two weeks late, but at the same time, skepticism around TikTok has also driven distrust around the app. Within all of that, Youtube has maintained its popularity due to its diversity and accessibility to all. Other than these very popular apps, there was a large range of interest specific apps all the way from digital art platforms to video games. 
When it comes to communication apps, Facetime is especially popular with those who have macbooks as the seamless connection between phone and computer makes it an obvious choice. In other scenarios, people reported that their usage of the phone app was particularly high. In recent times, discord has also been growing exponentially especially as a platform for groups to play video games together or for broad server communication. 

The Expanding Music World:

There was a time when people had to collect CDs and cassette tapes to listen to their favorite artists, but today, every popular artist is a click away. Two main streaming platforms have revolutionized the industry: Apple Music and Spotify. In a survey of Alsion students, no one had Apple Music as their top app, but Spotify was not only an overwhelming favorite but also a popular choice for the best app. This finding was especially significant as it surpassed even things like Instagram which I had hypothesized to be more popular. Music is so universal and the popularity of Spotify might just come down to its accessibility. Spotify has a free option allowing users to listen to music without paying monthly, unlike Apple Music. Secondly, Spotify provides a much more vast library of music and playlists. You can listen to a playlist catering to exactly what you want to listen to at the moment. Thirdly, Spotify has invested heavily in podcasts which provides a great option for those who don’t listen to music as well. 

Why these findings are neither revolutionary nor particularly new to anyone reading this, it’s an opportunity to reflect on your usage of popular applications and consumption of media. Are you like the majority of the population when it comes to your app preferences or do you feel your home screen is more diverse than the average person? Would one of the apps mentioned in this article be your top go to? How do you think being a part of a world and generation that is more connected than ever influences your everyday choices, character, personality and life?