Dear Mr. President

By Ram Charan

In light of the seniors of Alsion beginning to submit their college applications and the ongoing, hotly-contested election process, the following two letters were drafted by the Witherly Heights staff to both of the prospective candidates. They consist of their admissions decisions and a bit more information about the reason the admissions committee–all states and territories comprising the United States–offered the decision they did. While the elections in both the senate, specifically the two runoff elections in Georgia, and the presidential election are not entirely conclusive, it seems probable that Joe Biden will assume office as President of the United States. Based on this assumption, the editorial staff took some creative liberty in assigning admission decisions. 

This is an unprecedented time. President Trump has refused to concede the election and there is no specified procedure within the constitution that requires the president to concede; we are therefore in a state of limbo, a state of unknowing. Biden has won the electoral college, but there is a way for president Trump to win through a second process through Congress in what would be considered a legal coup (see Van Jones’s Ted Talk on Presidential Election’s for more information:

Van Jones’s Ted Talk on Presidential Election’s

This article is a lighthearted evaluation of the results of the presidential election but it is still important to remain informed about the election as it is dragged through layers and layers of litigation by the Trump campaign. Although it is unlikely that Trump will remain president, the fight for presidential power in the United States will continue into late November and we as a community must remain active to uphold the results of this democratic election–democracy is on the line and our voices must be heard. 

With that in mind, we hope you enjoy the article and happy November!