A New Admin Adds More Fun

A feature article written by Avani Sethi

As president of the Alsion Montessori Middle School Student Council, I hope that this school year will be very enjoyable.

Even though the 2018-2019 student government has only been in office for approximately half a cycle, we have already hosted our Ice Cream Social to welcome the seventh graders students and have plans to organize many similar events. We will also be bringing new and exciting fundraisers to Alsion. Hopefully, we will be able to incorporate some of the different ideas for activities such as a karaoke night, winter ball or even a haunted house. In regards to these events, the student government hopes to better collaborate with the Early College and make the two branches feel like one big community.

So far, we have hosted an ice cream social, and on October 1 we will be starting a fundraiser. This charity drive will be a money-raising competition. The students are divided into three different groups, and each group’s goal is to raise the most money. As an incentive, the winning group gets to have a pizza party. We will also be planning the Halloween party in the next few weeks and hope to include a haunted house. During December, we plan to have a winter ball as it has been highly requested.  

We believe that we will be better than past governments since we are more organized, structured and efficient. I have created a Google Drive folder where we keep all our student council information. Using this, we have created agendas for each meeting, financials, notes from the meetings, and events. Additionally, I have created a folder for AAR’s, which is where we are keeping what went well, what didn’t go well, and solutions to events we have hosted. We hope our organization will help us hold exciting events that would reduce the stressfulness of the school’s environment.

I can proudly say that this year’s officers are a dedicated group of students whose goal is to throw entertaining events.

This year’s student government demographic is different from the previous two years that I have been at Alsion. For example, when I was in 7th and 8th grade, we never had a female president. Additionally, this year, the student government has more female officers, demonstrating the changing demographic of the middle school.

The grade representatives are Kaavya Chavan (7th grade), Malia Eugenio (8th grade), and Varnika Dhandapani (9th grade). Our Treasurer is Kabir Samsi and our Secretary is Nicole Adams, who are both 9th graders. My Vice President is Ayush Hindocha, with the President being me, Avani Sethi.

We hope this is another fun and memorable year!