Census Consensus?

Amongst high profile political lawsuits and major tech company scandals that have rocked news headlines over the past month, smaller controversies have seemingly fallen into the cracks. However, one smaller news story has managed to stir up conversation: the 2020 Census. Conflict arose when the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the new questionnaire would include a question about one’s immigration status. Hours after the announcement, 14 states, led by California, filed a lawsuit. They claim that this question will scare away millions of immigrants from answering the census, which could in turn severely skew the reported results and harm blue states and counties by underrepresenting immigrant populations, especially Latinos.

After some investigative journalism conducted at our offices, we regret to inform our readers that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Below, we have enclosed a copy of the first page of the U.S. 2020 Census, which we managed to get a hold of not too long ago. What you are about to see will shock you.