Joining ASOC: Tasks, Responsibilities, & Benefits

Title image from ASOC website

As Alsion students, we commonly think that our extracurricular options and opportunities are limited by the small size and isolated environment of our school. As a result, we’ve often sought out activities such as soccer, debate, etc, in after school academies or clubs. There are, however, opportunities that are accessible to Early College students that have yet to be taken advantage of—one of these being the ASOC (Associated Students of Ohlone College) Senate. This article will detail what senators are, some of their tasks/responsibilities, and the benefits of being part of this council. 


There are five senator groups; at large, social sciences, business, art, and STEM. Typically, there are four senators in each group, although the breakdown is subject to change based on the number of applications received and the specific needs for each year. The purpose of these senators and their respective groups is to represent the Ohlone student body as accurately as possible by bringing in a diverse group of people with diverse backgrounds and interests. The goal is that senators from each group will engage with Ohlone students in their overarching fields by planning events such as the STEM and Social Sciences Summit, creating panels of speakers from different professions, and increasing opportunities for those select students. Senators can put together these events, panels, and opportunities by writing and passing bills and putting together committees of ASOC members to follow through and execute their plans. 


Below are some of the tasks/responsibilities for ASOC Senators: 

  1. Must attend weekly meetings consistently, with consistent and punctual attendance a major requirement. Senators are typically only allowed to miss two-three meetings per semester, with an absence incurred if more than 25% of the meeting is missed. 
  2. Should participate in meetings by motioning to approve bills, publicly commenting on pieces of legislation or actions, and asking targeted questions. 
  3. Should join planning committees for events/actions already in place and should draft and present unique bills to represent the Ohlone student body as well as possible.

Benefits/Additional Opportunities: 

  1. ASOC Senators receive Tier 2 (there are 8 tiers) priority registration each semester that they are involved, meaning that they can register for courses around a week before most students. This is especially helpful when there are a limited number of sections offered for one course, or there are a few professors that are highly recommended, but get filled up fast. 
  2. Becoming a senator also improves your leadership and collaboration skills, as you have to coordinate with many individuals to plan large events, lead workshops, etc. Not only do these skills function as key life skills that help in future jobs, etc, but college applications and other competitive programs. 
  3. Once you have experience in the ASOC Senate, you can run for executive positions in the legislature, such as secretary, treasurer, vice president, and president. These positions not only increase the impact you have on fellow Ohlone students, but also demonstrate passion and dedication to the council which can be a core part of future competitive endeavors. ASOC Senators also have access to join shared governance committees, such as curriculum, where members can vote on curriculum changes—displaying the tangible impact that you can have on your education at Ohlone.