The Witherly Heights Yearender: New Year’s Resolutions

The end of a year has never been so greatly anticipated as it is right now. Here’s how Alsion students are planning to do to make 2021 more enjoyable.

“Work on more projects”

“Get a dog”

“Don’t procrastinate as much and pay more attention in online classes.”

“Actually pay attention in online classes.”

“Fix my sleep schedule”

“Help my community more”

“Improve workout routine, get better at time management”

“Become fit”

“Exercise less”

“To get better grades”

“Try to do more coding practice”

“Go on walks more”

“Improve everyday”

“To stop procrastinating and to read more”

“Spend less time with devices”

“Be nicer, be more productive”

“To be a better child”

“Go outside of my house more/stay busy”

“Keep my room clean”

“Stretch more and do more creative activities.”

“Get motivated again to continue on with school!”

“Increasing time efficiency”

“More art, like a lot more, and fan art, lots of fan art :)”