Luca Teaches Ayush: Baking Churros

In episode two of Luca Teaches Ayush, Luca attempts to teach Ayush how to bake churros. Luca, the master baker, assures Ayush that baking churros is easy. Everything goes smoothly until mistakes are made. Oil is spilled, frosting bags are broken, and churros are burned. When all seems lost, the bakers are suddenly saved. On their second try, Luca, the master baker, receives aid from his older sister. Ayush, the learner, receives help from his mother. With this help, the bakers begin to succeed. Success after success leads to the eventual completion of the churros. Although not perfect, these homemade churros taste great and are a great desert for any occasion. Watch to the end to see how these bakers overcome their mistakes in episode two–Luca Teaches Ayush: Baking Churros

1 Comment

  1. Baking? Or Deep Frying? There was no baking involved, if I remember right!

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