My Favorite Thing Is…

My Favorite Thing is… features anything or anyone an Alsioner has been enamored of for the longest time and with the most pulse-pounding passion.  The writers herein would not only have to explain their magnificent obsession but depict it in their own inimitable way. For this special edition of  My Favorite Thing Is… we shift our focus onto a new group: the Alsion teachers. 

Ms. Michelle:

My favorite thing about my childhood was my access to horses. Being an only child had its challenges but I was lucky to have a horse mad mother and many equine ‘siblings’. So whether it was just spending time and sharing my secrets with them in their stables, galloping  together across open country just for the heck of it or competing with my best friend ‘Joxer’ they made my childhood rich and a lot less lonely.

Ms. Jennifer:

I was a curious child and always liked to play outside. I would look at a world map and tell my mom that one day I would drive across the world. Since Halloween is around the corner I thought I would share a photo of me and my cousin dressed up for Halloween as Hula Girls. We would constantly make up games, songs, and play in the pool. We would enjoy watching the Muppets and were mesmerized by The Neverending Story and The Last Unicorn. 

Ms. Fabiana:

As a child, I loved to pretend I was a teacher. My dad would come to work, tired and just wanted to rest before dinner. Unfortunately, he had to attend class with “la señorita Fabiana”. I would set up the classroom, have my dad sit on a chair and pay attention! He was rewarded every time he raised his hand with some candy. Poor dad, now when I think about it, he was extremely sweet and patient. 

Ms. Asha:

During my childhood, I was obsessed with the Tamagotchi. It was this little digital pet keychain that you could care for!  EVERYONE had one of these hanging on their backpack. From what I remember they required a lot of attention and died easily… Trust me this was really cool then.